Using perl to extract files from large directory structure

When I work on Windows I use Activesite Active Perl to do some stuff.

Recently I had to copy about 60 files from large directory structure to a new place (about 800 files in nasty directory structure). It was rather boring stuff to do, so I used perl to finish job because it would be pretty easy task to do using hashes (I had names of files given in text file).

Unfortunately I had some problems on completion of job, because there was a problem with encoding of file path name on Windows.

Below I provide simple script demonstration how to handle national characters in path using perl on Windows.


use strict;
use warnings;

use utf8;
use Encoding;

# Win32::Codepage::Simple is available in ActiveState Perl
use Win32::Codepage::Simple qw(get_codepage get_acp);
use File::Find;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;
use File::Basename;

binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
binmode STDERR, ":utf8";

my $dir  = "./copy_from_here/";
my $dest = "./copy_here/";
my %filter = ( 'grzegrzółka.doc' => 1, 'słoń i łoś.avi' => 1);

# Polish Windows 7 :)
my $encoding = get_codepage();
if ($encoding eq '1250') {
   $encoding = 'cp1250';

       { wanted =>
               sub {

               return if not -f $File::Find::name;

               my $mfname = $encoding ?
                              decode($encoding, $File::Find::name)
                            : $File::Find::name;
               return if not exists $filter{$mfname};

               my $nfile = basename($File::Find::name);
               if ( not -e $dest.'/'.$nfile ) {
                       copy($fInName, $dest.'/'.$nfile) or die "File cannot be copied.";
               } else {
                       print "File exists: ".$nfile."\n";

       follow => 1, no_chdir => 1, depth => 1
       , $dir

More information about national characters in path on Windows


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